It’s been a long time since I first talk about it, but here it is, finally: the brand new theme for Tasse de Café! Simple, it’s a perfect fit for what I want for this blog, so we will keep it. For now.
A more simple and refined theme
This new theme is simpler, and above all more readable. Since the beginning of Tasse de Café the posts become more dense, with sometimes long tutorials. The previous theme didn’t provide, I think, a good experience for these long articles.
This theme insists on clarity and readability: a larger font size, a larger line height, in short, endless pages that are however faster to read because they are more readable.
It’s the end for posts thumbnails, as I was fed-up with searching for images that were useless for the content I provide. Henceforth, if there is an image, it’s because it’s useful, or because it’s a good illustration for the article.
In the posts lists like the one on the homepage, you won’t find thumbnails. A title, a brief excerpt. That’s all. Well, I chose that, but I am still not convinced, so maybe the posts will be complete in the future, with less posts per page. Don’t hesitate if you have any thought about it.
No ads anymore
Tasse de Café doesn’t display ads anymore. It’s not that I am against advertising, as I already said before, but it’s a choice I made.
I must say it: advertising is useful only if you have a minimal visitors number. Visits are regular on Tasse de Café, but it’s not enough for advertising. So it was useless, so I removed it. It won’t come back, even with more visits.
If you want to support me, I provide you an option: donating. Yeah, contrary to advertising, it’s not free for you, but you’re free to donate or not, and you’re free to donate what you want. All my projects are not centered around Tasse de Café and some of you asked me if there was a page where they can donate. It wasn’t the case. It’s still not: currently, the button is only in the sidebar, but I will soon create a dedicated page. When I have time.
Since I stopped writing news on Tasse de Café for concentrating them on Fredzone, I often wondered what I’ll do for Tasse de Café. I never wanted to leave it, but I must admit that some might think it.
This new theme is also the occasion to take a new start. With it, I join the numerous developers who have a blog with their ideas, their tricks, etc.
You got it, and, anyway, that’s the case since several months: Tasse de Café will be the blog where I’ll talk about my projects, where I’ll provide some tutorials about web development (languages and tools), where you’ll also find some useful tricks. And where I’ll talk about my life, too. Sometimes.
Now, Tasse de Café is also multilingual: I think about writing each of my posts in French and in English. The reason is the reach: writing in English allows me to reach more people. But not only.
I write on SitePoint since a year now, and it’s an entirely English-speaking website. I love that. I love writing in English, as I love writing in French. I don’t want to give up neither one nor the other. So I do both.
Multilingual is managed with an excellent plugin: Polylang. And it does its work very well. If you read a post in French, all the website will be in French, even the sidebar or the theme. Same thing can be said about the English. Absolutely all the content is translated, it’s totally transparent for you.
Of course some changes occurred in the URLs. But it’s only a new language tag. Well, I also modified the URLs structure, but it’s a personal choice. Google won’t like that but I don’t really care about it.
If the plugin doesn’t display the right language or if, for any reason, you want the other, a link is available at the end of each page. Moreover, for translated posts, a link is displayed at the beginning of the post for switching the language.
What about the older posts?
Let’s talk about the translated posts. For now, all of them are in French. The whole website is translated, but not the posts. For the English, I’ll begin with this post. The other posts will be translated when I’ll have time (spoiler alert: it won’t be today).
It will also be the occasion to review the French versions. Some are old, and I want to change some details. But not on all of them.
I made a huge sorting in my posts. News posts are gone. However, if you still have the URL of one of these posts, you can still access it. I made that for kind people who linked to some posts here: I don’t want to give them dead links.
It’s time to work!
I still have a lot of work, with a lot of translations. If you want to subscribe, think about using the right URL for the RSS feed, the one provided by the button in the header. That way, you’ll only have the language you want.
Oh, yeah, the header displays a picture of my keyboard. I realized that my initials were on it. Funny, right? Well… maybe it’s just me.